Thursday, February 01, 2007

Cannot recognise me?

Cannot recognise me?

Looks like a big big boy hor right?

This is Jeryl boy's first studio photo, taken for my passport.

I am going to use my passport to follow my papa back to China. Of course mummy comes along.

Can't do without her!


Nowadays I have another bed.

Blue "Saraong"....mummy will swing me in the sarong until I get so comfortable that I doze off.


Big, round & sparkling

I am beginning to look more and more like mummy

See carefully - we have the same big round sparkling eyes!

My papa and I

Look everyone. This is my papa and I.

Yep, that's right...we like yellow shirts.

Papa was back to attend my Winnie-gugu ROM.

It was fun!